A Coma-inducing Injection of Life
"Discount ticket for one", I recall offering the fee
At a film threater, wide screen, easily seats for dozens
but the cashier winked and said "this one's for free"
Companied by an audience in shackles, restraints, frozen
Maybe a small box office hit, director's shooting star
In the the opening night I shivered, felt so real back then
Genre of drama, maybe mystery, rumored a cheap CGI spar
This movie measured, weighted, and found an ok 6.5 out of 10
Some applaud out of the kind habit and vanish to the mist
Once it's over, familiar faces shake hands yet flee to stroll
The memories turned to ash and I dwelled in-within my cyst
I leave last as I turn off the lights and halt the film roll
A lifetime later I wander searching for a decent copy
So I discover myself as a VCR at some flimsy flea market
But at least the cover art's decent, can't pass it by
Remember no refunds, just mind the case is like a casket
My mind is as bland as the plastic memoir, made in China
The tape melts and slithers between my fingers as dust
The anxiety sets in, and I start to produce more saliva
I grab, gather and devour it to satisfy my curious lust
The dirt is bitter and sweet, like my life turned migraine
Desperately I decide to snort and shoot it deeper within
The flesh howls in pain, but I inject the signal yet again
My veins cry for mercy, yet seeking for meaning there-in
Then I snap; I was sitting in the theater alone, alone all the years
I imagined all the people there, I imagined the whole bloody flick
There never was a theater, I was just bound in a mind behind my eyes
Did I ever even exist? Is this a sick joke, I mean, what the fuck?
A brain in a jar
Life behind bars