I've recently noticed that social media has provoked me to self-censor myself. I start to think, whether or not something is worth sharing or not, if it'll offend somebody, etc; which is quite silly, as it does obscure the true me that'd share whatever I'd find interesting. Naturally some forums (such as selected followers on Twitter, or particular subreddit on Reddit) are not content agnostic completely, as people expect to see certain things. But to increasing amounts I've noticed that I don't write or update in Facebook/Twitter/Telegram/Blogspot/Discord/Whatsapp/... because I start to think over-thinking of stuff.
So I'll just consider this my safe haven of places, nobody probably ever reads anything here anyway. My public little secret diary, mhph. Anyway, my random thought of the day, with a lower standard for trying to self-censor myself:
If a tree falls in a forest, but nobody is there to share about in the social media, does it make a sound?
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