tiistai 9. elokuuta 2016

Optimized design and analysis of preclinical intervention studies in vivo

Optimized design and analysis of preclinical intervention studies in vivo

We published our work on improving experiment design in preclinical in vivo experiments in Scientific Reports just now:


I sure hope many experimenters will pick up at least the concept of how important sufficient sample sizes, good blinding, masking and randomization, as well as feasible post-intervention testing are. There's so many references out there telling how appalling the attrition rates in these experiments are at the moment, and I have personally also experienced this - preclinical experimenters should at least consult a biostatistician/-informatician on good design. Anyway, there's an R-package I maintain with this publication called 'hamlet' that's available on CRAN (comes additional machine learning trinkets):


-TDL, August 2016

For Vilja

I recited this poem at my second daughter's, Vilja's (2mo), baby dedication on last Sunday.

For Vilja

So my lips speak in a foreign tongue out of courtesy
With the intention inscribed in a fatherly tendency
The words are for all those in presence of your dedication
But the message is a seed for nurturing a human foundation

My heart an unfinished puzzle with now your piece found
Gladly I stand here again at pillars of mankind profound
While pieces are yet to come and some will still be lost
Knowing with these blessings I am luckier than the most

In sadness we will count and collect your tears
When the dark days come we'll wipe away the fears
Together with your mother whose signet you carry
Please be young for long as many forget to tarry

In happiness and success participating in the joy
Your life renews also mine and that journey I enjoy
In challenges there to help you stand on your feet
And should we depart let our paths once again meet

I will that you be siblings of hand-in-hand union
Have each support the other as a beloved companion
Let neither tower be covered by the shadow of another
Thicker the blood bond tightly knit you two together

Let your choices be guided by a more capable hand
Your life composing a chant of a glorifying stand
And where my power and wisdom end on this earth
The destiny you forge yet be enchanted by mirth

With this I pour my strength unto you to guide thee
A father equipping his daughters for an unknown sea
As we do not know what tomorrow brings in its wake
Today we gladly company you in this dear daybreak

So I pray - - be happy and care-free
My silvery - - beautiful, willow tree

(TDL, August 2016)